Step 1
Type this in irb:"Letters and words".classExpected result:StringType this in irb:'a'.class 5.class 3.14.class true.class :symbol.class [ 1, 2, 3].class {name: "value"}.class nil.class Class.class
Step 2
Type this in irb:"five".methodsType this in irb:5.methods
Step 3
Type this in irb:5 + 5 "5" + "5"Type this in irb:5 + 5.0Type this in irb:5 + "5" "5" + 5
Step 4
Type this in irb:5.to_s 5.to_s.class 5.to_f 5.to_f.class 5.67.to_i "5".to_i "5".to_i.classType this in irb:"I am not a number".to_i "five".to_iType this in irb:5 + "5".to_i "5 plus" + 5.to_sType this in irb:5.methods.sort
Next Step:
Go on to Strings