Tool Installation
Step 1: Install Google Chrome
Step 2: Choose your operating system
Option 2.1: Windows
Head over to our Rails Installer instructions (courtesy the Rails workshop Installfest instructions). Come back at the end of the page. Do not make a Heroku account! After getting done with RailsInstaller, come back here and create a GitHub account.Option 2.2: Mac OS X
Step 2.2.1: Check if Git is already installed
Type this in the terminal:git --versionApproximate expected result:git version 2.x.x
The greyed-out text may differ and is not important.Step 2.2.2: Check if XCode is installed
Installing HomebrewType this in the terminal:brew install gitInstalling binary gitGit OS X Installer DownloadsStep 2.2.3: Install a text editor
Download and install Atom or install a different editorStep 3: Create a GitHub account
Next Step:
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