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Tool Installation


Step 1: Install Google Chrome

In order to provide consistent instructions for the workshop, we are all going to use the same browser, Google Chrome. Download and install it from http://google.com/chrome

Step 2: Choose your operating system

Option 2.1: Windows

On Windows, the easiest way to install git and set everything up is with the Rails Installer.

Head over to our Rails Installer instructions (courtesy the Rails workshop Installfest instructions). Come back at the end of the page. Do not make a Heroku account!

For real: come back at the bottom of the page, after step 9!

After getting done with RailsInstaller, come back here and create a GitHub account.

Option 2.2: Mac OS X

Step 2.2.1: Check if Git is already installed

If you've been to a RailsBridge before, you might have git installed. Try the following

Type this in the terminal:
git --version

If you see something like the git version below, then you can return to the mini-installfest

Approximate expected result:
git version 2.x.x
The greyed-out text may differ and is not important.

If you see something like git: command not found then proceed

Step 2.2.2: Check if XCode is installed

Look in your Applications folder for an application called XCode.

If you see XCode, choose Installing Homebrew.

If you do not see XCode, choose Installing binary Git.

Installing Homebrew

After installing homebrew, use it to install git

Type this in the terminal:
brew install git
Installing binary git

In another browser tab open the link below and download the latest (topmost) release of Git for OS X.

Git OS X Installer Downloads

Step 2.2.3: Install a text editor

Download and install Atom

Install Atom by double clicking the file you downloaded, then dragging the Atom icon into the Applications folder. Finish up by clicking the eject icon for Atom in your finder window.

or install a different editor

Step 3: Create a GitHub account

In your web browser open https://github.com.

GitHub is is a service for hosting and sharing source code with others. They also host static web pages for free! We'll be using them to put our web page up later today.

Click the big blue signup button in the middle of the page. On the next page select a Free account. Make a note of your username, you'll be using it a lot.

A note about your password. In order to push to GitHub, you'll need to type your password in at the terminal. So make it something easy to remember and type but hard to guess.

Next Step:

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