Loading Items


  • Make an AJAX request and update the page based on the server's response.

  • Load your list's items every time a user visits the page.


Last lesson, we made AJAX requests in the browser's console to load all of our list's items. Now, we'll tie that AJAX request to our web site! Here's what will happen.

  1. Every time a user visits our site, the browser will run the JavaScript in app.js.
  2. It will use jQuery's AJAX method to make a request to http://listalous.herokuapp.com/ and get all the data about our list's items.
  3. We will then use JavaScript to turn those items into HTML elements, and attach them to our list.


Step 1

Open app.js in your text editor. Add the following code to the bottom of the file. Replace 'YOUR-LIST-NAME-HERE' with the name of the list you created last lesson.

var loadRequest = $.ajax({
  type: 'GET',
  url: "https://listalous.herokuapp.com/lists/YOUR-LIST-NAME-HERE/"

Refresh the page, and click over to your browser's network tab. You should see a new request there, that visits our server at https://listalous.herokuapp.com/.

Step 2

Now that we've made the request, we need to update the page whenever the request succeeds. Add the following lines of code to the bottom of app.js.

loadRequest.done(function(dataFromServer) {
  var itemsData = dataFromServer.items

  itemsData.forEach(function(itemData) {

Now refresh the page. Once the AJAX request succeeds, your site should now display all the items you created last lesson! If not, flag an instructor down to help you debug the problem.


App.js should now look like this.

var itemTemplate = $('#templates .item')
var list         = $('#list')

var addItemToPage = function(itemData) {
  var item = itemTemplate.clone()
  if(itemData.completed) {

var loadRequest = $.ajax({
  type: 'GET',
  url: "https://listalous.herokuapp.com/lists/YOUR-LIST-NAME-HERE/"

loadRequest.done(function(dataFromServer) {
  var itemsData = dataFromServer.items

  itemsData.forEach(function(itemData) {

Your web page has made its first successful AJAX request! Now your page will load your list's items whenever you visit it. Once we host this page on the internet, you will be able to see your list on any computer, tablet, or phone!

Next Step: